Serious about Industry Standards

Serious about Industry Standards

July 2003

Following close on the heels of the thorough revision of the Association’s Constitution in October 2000, it was appropriate to devise a relevant slogan that would form part of the Southern African Vehicle Rental and Leasing (SAVRALA) logo and, in a few, simple words, clearly define its objectives as the official mouthpiece of SA’s vehicle rental, leasing and fleet management sectors.

As their major representative body – SAVRALA-member fleets account for over 90% of the vehicles operating in these sectors – the Association is indeed serious about its work says SAVRALA president, John Broadway. “Steering Industry Standards is the slogan that we adopted because we believe it embodies what SAVRALA stands for. We are not simply paying lip service but working hard behind-the-scenes to implement whatever is required to assist our members.”

The rental industry in particular continues to present many challenges in the implementation of sustainable solutions to the many common and critical issues facing it,” he continues.

“In consultation with Paul Pauwen, Rental Section Chairman, members of the National Executive Committee and the MD’s of the rental majors, we have identified the need for the services of a dynamic and suitably experienced, part-time consultant to fulfil a variety of general management roles on behalf of the members of the Rental Section in order to assist and steer them in a cohesive direction,” explains Broadway.

While full details of this position can be found on this website under Career Opportunities, outlined below are some of the broad objectives of the General Manager – Rental Section (GM/RS) role.

  • Promotion and co-ordination of Savrala Rental Section activities
  • Development of a profile for the GM/RS such that he/she is recognized as the ‘voice’ of the car Rental industry in all affairs in the public domain
  • Faithful and diligent upholding of the Association’s Constitution and the Rental Charter
  • To encourage stakeholders in the broader sense to become Rental members and associate members of the Association
  • To foster and encourage the highest possible standards of integrity amongst the Rental members in their dealings with each other and with their customers and suppliers
  • To create a positive Rental industry environment that is conducive to good communications among all stakeholders.

“Several projects will require a keen and dedicated focus,” says Pauwen. “For example, a general statistical database is currently contracted out and the incumbent will be responsible for ensuring that the supply contract is properly administered and that the members derive maximum use from the outputs.

“He or she will also have to oversee the timeous and complete participation of Rental members in theManufacturer of the Year Award survey and will have to review and revise the format thereof from time to time.”

According to Pauwen, two key and immediate functions of the GM/RS will be to conclude negotiations with the National Department of Transport regarding the practical implementation of the AARTO Act from a Rental point of view and, the implementation of Risk Management actions where cooperation with associations such as Business Against Crime is essential to help reduce vehicle theft and credit card fraud.

“The successful applicant will need specific skills and competencies, he says. “With strong negotiation skills and good planning and organisation abilities, he or she must have the ability to network widely and deal comfortably with senior officials in both the public and private sectors.

“A good strategic and conceptual thinker, this individual must be able to distinguish the real issues from the ‘noise’ and then act proactively and decisively.”


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