The South African Vehicle Rental and Leasing Association (SAVRALA) raised an impressive R100 000 at its Annual Golf Day, held on 22 February 2012 at the beautiful Blue Valley Golf Course in Midrand. This year all proceeds from the event will be directed towards wildlife conservation, supporting heroic efforts of the SANParks Honorary Rangers as well as the award-winning Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife Organisation.

“Both the SANParks Honorary Rangers and Ezemvelo are volunteer and charity organisations that are heavily involved in preventing rhino poaching as well as all other areas of conservation. Our wildlife is a huge tourist draw card, and these organisations work tirelessly to ensure that the natural beauty of South Africa will be preserved for future generations. We are pleased to be able to give them such sizeable donations as a result of our golf day, thanks to the generosity of the players and hole sponsors on the day,” says Paul Pauwen from SAVRALA.
The day dawned hot and sunny, and players from all of the major organisations in the South African vehicle renting and leasing industry turned up for this eagerly anticipated event. Even the slight drizzle in the afternoon could not dampen the players’ enthusiasm. Guest MC and rugby legend Ian McIntosh provided entertainment throughout the day, offering a humorous peek behind the scenes of the world of rugby and cracking loads of jokes that kept everyone amused.
Congratulations to winners Team Ford, consisting of Jaco Malan, Frikkie Wentzel, Willem Hill and Paul Kruger, who took top honours on the day. Team Wesbank, made up of Gary Le Kay, Warren Peters, Gordon Dreyer and Leon du Plessis, came in second place, with third place going to Team Fleet Africa and players Hugo Lamprechts, Pieter de la Rey, Arthur Neale and Allan McCormack.
The Winners – Ford

SAVRALA would also like to thank all of the companies who sponsored holes on the day: Nissan, First Car Rental, Kia Motors, Mercedes Benz, Toyota, Hyundai, Europcar, Renault, Ford, Audi, ABSA, Volkswagen and Budget.
“We would like to express our appreciation to everyone who participated in this year’s SAVRALA Annual Golf Day and helped us to raise so much money for two very worthy causes,” says Pauwen.
“Special mention must go to Nissan, who made such an effort at their hole to raise money, eventually totaling R5000 and earning a well-deserved prize. Thank you also to Volkswagen, who raised R2000, Renault who brought in R1000 and all of the other hole sponsors for making the day such a resounding success. We look forward to next year being even better,” Pauwen concludes.