The Premier of Gauteng noted during his State of the Province address on Monday (19 February), that the province’s new number plates support a national plan which still needs to be finalised by the National Department of Transport.
“The National Department of Transport has developed a draft legislative proposal for the harmonisation of national plates, which includes the security features we want on Gauteng’s new number plates.”
At the launch of the Gauteng-Vuma Cam partnership last week, Lesufi said that “we (Gauteng) are starting afresh, all of us; every person that has a car must re-register and get a new registration number that cannot be copied and is reliable, so that we know what is happening in our province.”
“Everyone must register their vehicle … If you spend 30 consecutive days in Gauteng, it means your car must be registered in Gauteng.”
Here is a vehicle registration guideline (PDF) to assist members in the misperception now created through the statements of the Gauteng Premier.
Members are welcome to contact the Association.