

Overview of SA car rental rate increases and trends

March 2005 Over the past decade, SA’s car rental industry has undergone significant adjustments, the most significant of these being the increase in competitor activity…

Outlook on industry into 2005

January 2005 “A pretty flat year” is how Rental Section, GM, Wayne Duvenage, sums up 2004 saying that real transaction growth was in the lower…

Pricing Trends & Developments

June 2004 Charging when and where the costs apply – as opposed to blanket rates increases – is a significant development within the car rental…

SAVRALA expands training programme

November 2003 Business Day Two years ago, the Southern African Vehicle Rental and Leasing Association (SAVRALA), launched an association-endorsed Certificate programme in Fleet Management in…

SAVRALA Auto Year Book 2003/2004

The Southern African Vehicle Rental and Leasing AssociationSA Automotive Year Book 2003/2004 As published in CD-format during October 2003 Representing more than 90% of South…

Car rental rates must rise to avoid industry fall

August 2003 Alarm bells are sounding in the car rental industry following the results of independent research released in July. Customers across-the-board are being warned…

Serious about Industry Standards

July 2003 Following close on the heels of the thorough revision of the Association’s Constitution in October 2000, it was appropriate to devise a relevant…

Top SA companies opt for the best practice standards of SAVRALA

June 2003 It’s rewarding to see that membership of the Southern African Vehicle Rental and Leasing Association (SAVRALA) remains steady and this indicates that all…

SA road safety hits the skids

Jan 2003 With the disastrous road death tally run up during the December/January holiday period still fresh in our minds and following the Transport Minister’s…

South Africa’s in great shape … and so say all of us!

Nov 2002 Alive with possibilities! That’s the slogan that South Africa’s Marketing Council believes encapsulates the spirit of this country. Captains of industry and Minister…